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128-bit decimal.


Exception flags.
Rounding modes.


Exception flag AllClear as u32 value.
Exception flag Inexact as u32 value.
Exception flag Invalid as u32 value.
Exception flag Overflow as u32 value.
Exception flag Underflow as u32 value.
Exception flag ZeroDivide as u32 value.
Rounding mode Downward as u32 value.
Rounding mode NearestAway as u32 value.
Rounding mode NearestEven as u32 value.
Rounding mode TowardZero as u32 value.
Rounding mode Upward as u32 value.


Copies a 128-bit decimal floating-point operand x to a destination in the same format, changing the sign to positive.
Returns a result of decimal floating-point addition, [Decimal128] + [Decimal128] -> [Decimal128]
Copies a decimal floating-point operand x to a destination in the same format, with no change.
Returns s result of decimal floating-point division, [Decimal128] / [Decimal128] -> [Decimal128]
Returns the value of e raised to the xth power.
Converts 32-bit signed integer to 128-bit decimal floating-point number.
Converts 64-bit signed integer to 128-bit decimal floating-point number.
Converts a decimal floating-point value represented in string format (decimal character sequence) to 128-bit decimal floating-point format (binary encoding).
Converts 32-bit unsigned integer to 128-bit decimal floating-point number.
Converts 64-bit unsigned integer to 128-bit decimal floating-point number.
Returns the exponent e of x, a signed integral value, determined as though x were represented with infinite range and minimum exponent.
Returns true if and only if x is zero, subnormal or normal (not infinite or NaN).
Returns true if and only if x has negative sign.
Returns true if and only if x is +0 or -0.
Returns natural logarithm of x.
Returns the canonicalized floating-point number y if x < y, x if y < x, the canonicalized floating-point number if one operand is a floating-point number and the other a quiet NaN. Otherwise it is either x or y, canonicalized.
Returns the canonicalized floating-point number x if x < y, y if y < x, the canonicalized floating-point number if one operand is a floating-point number and the other a quiet NaN. Otherwise it is either x or y, canonicalized.
Returns s result of decimal floating-point multiplication, [Decimal128] * [Decimal128] -> [Decimal128]
Returns the same value as x but with reversed sign.
Returns decimal floating-point power.
Returns the quantum of a finite argument as a signed integer value.
Returns the number which is equal in value (except for any rounding) and sign to the first (left-hand) operand and which has an exponent set to be equal to the exponent of the second (right-hand) operand.
Returns the quantum of a finite argument. If x is infinite, the result is +Inf. If x is NaN, the result is NaN.
Compares 128-bit decimal floating-point numbers for specified relation, does not signal invalid exception for quiet NaNs.
Compares 128-bit decimal floating-point numbers for specified relation, does not signal invalid exception for quiet NaNs.
Compares 128-bit decimal floating-point numbers for specified relation, does not signal invalid exception for quiet NaNs.
Compares 128-bit decimal floating-point numbers for specified relation, does not signal invalid exception for quiet NaNs.
Compares 128-bit decimal floating-point numbers for specified relation, does not signal invalid exception for quiet NaNs.
Returns decimal floating-point remainder.
Round 128-bit decimal floating-point value to integral-valued decimal floating-point value in the same format, using the current rounding mode; signal inexact exceptions.
Round 128-bit decimal floating-point value to integral-valued decimal floating-point value in the same format, using the rounding-to-nearest-away mode; do not signal inexact exceptions.
Round 128-bit decimal floating-point value to integral-valued decimal floating-point value in the same format, using the rounding-to-nearest-even mode; do not signal inexact exceptions.
Round 128-bit decimal floating-point value to integral-valued decimal floating-point value in the same format, using the rounding-down mode; do not signal inexact exceptions.
Round 128-bit decimal floating-point value to integral-valued decimal floating-point value in the same format, using the rounding-up mode; do not signal inexact exceptions.
Round 128-bit decimal floating-point value to integral-valued decimal floating-point value in the same format, using the rounding-to-zero mode; do not signal inexact exceptions.
Returns x * 10^n.
Returns decimal floating-point square root.
Returns a result of decimal floating-point subtraction, [Decimal128] - [Decimal128] -> [Decimal128]
Convert 128-bit decimal floating-point value to 32-bit signed integer with rounding-to-zero mode, inexact exceptions are not signaled.
Convert 128-bit decimal floating-point value to 64-bit signed integer with rounding-to-zero mode, inexact exceptions are not signaled.
Converts 128-bit decimal floating-point value (binary encoding) to string format (decimal character sequence).
Convert 128-bit decimal floating-point value to 32-bit unsigned integer with rounding-to-zero mode, inexact exceptions are not signaled.
Convert 128-bit decimal floating-point value to 64-bit unsigned integer with rounding-to-zero mode, inexact exceptions are not signaled.